Carol Adams

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Embracing the Beauty of Letting Go

As the weather cools and autumn approaches, my mind often turns to comforting thoughts of pumpkin lattes, cozy sweaters, hearty chili, and nights spent around the firepit. But have you ever stopped to consider why the leaves change colors in autumn?

I recently looked into this mystery and learned something fascinating. During the summer, the green pigment in leaves, called chlorophyll, dominates. But as the days grow shorter and temperatures drop, the leaves can no longer produce enough food for the tree. The chlorophyll breaks down, and the vibrant reds, oranges, and yellows—colors that were there all along—are finally revealed. These changes aren’t just for show; they prepare the tree to survive the harsh conditions of winter by conserving energy and water and readying the tree for new growth in the spring.

This natural process mirrors our spiritual journey. Just as the tree must let go of its green leaves to reveal the hidden beauty within, we too must let go of our old selves to become who God has destined us to be. Jesus calls us to take up our cross and follow Him, a call to daily die to our desires, ambitions, and even our sense of self. It can sometimes be a painful process, much like the breaking down of chlorophyll in the leaves, but it’s necessary for the true beauty within us to be revealed.

One year, my husband had a conference in Washington, DC in the fall. As soon as we got into the cab to go to our hotel in Alexandria, VA, I was struck by the vibrant colors of the Autumn trees—so different from what I was used to in Texas, where leaves often go straight from green to brown. I couldn’t help but marvel at the sight, exclaiming repeatedly how beautiful it was. I’m sure that the cab driver thought I was crazy because I kept saying “oh my goodness, look at that tree…the colors are beautiful!”  But in those moments, I was reminded that the beauty of autumn is a direct result of the letting go that had to take place.

As Christians, we are called to a similar process of letting go. When we surrender our lives to Christ, we may feel like we’re losing something valuable—much like the trees losing their leaves—but in reality, we’re making room for something even more beautiful to emerge. We are making room for the vibrant, bold colors of God’s presence and purpose in our lives to shine through.

Reflection Questions:

1. What “green leaves” are you holding onto in your life that God may be asking you to let go of?

2. How have you seen God reveal new beauty in your life through the process of surrender?

3. In what areas of your life do you need to trust God more, allowing Him to bring about the transformation that only comes through letting go?

Closing Prayer:

Lord, help me to let go of anything that hinders my walk with You. Teach me to take up my cross daily, trusting that as I die to myself, Your beauty will be revealed in my life. May I embrace the changes You bring, knowing that they will lead to a deeper, more vibrant relationship with You. Amen.

Bible Journaling - Matthew 16:24-26

  1. Using distress inks, smooch them lightly onto a piece of acetate (I used a package from a scrapbooking kit I had just purchased).

  2. Spritz with water generously and then lay your paper down.

  3. If there is still pigment on the acetate, use another piece of paper to soak up all that goodness.

  4. Let this paper dry and then cut out leaf shapes. I tried using my Cricut (twice) but for some reason, the cuts were not all the way through.

  5. Add your phrase. I went with “Autumn shows us how beautiful it is to let things go”. You could also use a scripture if you want.

  6. Glue the large leaves first in a random wreath pattern. I only applied the glue to down the center of the leaf, this way I could add leaf stems underneath.

  7. Finish the wreath with the smaller leaves.

  8. Highlight or draw a square around the scripture.

  9. Don’t forget to date your page!

  10. Remember to “Let Go and Let God”!!!

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