Carol Adams

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Has Life Ever got You Down?

It’s been awhile since I’ve written a blog post and I apologize for that! It just seems like lately, I cannot get motivated. Just when I think that things are getting better in this world, something else happens. I can’t count on my two hands how many times I’ve said lately, “It’s a crazy world we live in right now”!

I recently had a checkup and had to fill out a form that asked questions like:

  1. Are you depressed?

  2. Do you sometimes find it hard to get up in the morning?

  3. Can’t seem to get motivated during the day?

  4. Do you have trouble sleeping?

I thought to myself…. what crazy questions to be asking during this season of COVID-19.  I don’t know too many people that hasn’t felt this way recently.

This last month, a friend has been diagnosed with cancer that seems to be all over her body…she’s in her 40’s.  My daughter’s fiancé’s mother and my husband’s brother-in-law just passed away.  My nephew has been in the hospital for over two weeks with stomach problems while his wife and three kids were at home because one of their kids has COVID.

I can’t count how many people I know that have had COVID or has family members with COVID (or the Delta Variant/Pneumonia).  It seems like there are more this year than last year. I replied to a text earlier this week and said, “I can’t take anyone else being sick”. 

This morning I woke up with itchy hands and then noticed that I have hives on the inside of my thighs (I know…TMI).  I’ve thought about all the food I ate yesterday or the day before, and I didn’t have anything different than I normally do.  I’m almost ready to believe that’s it’s possibly caused by stress. 

There isn’t really anything that I can do to solve the worlds problems…well, expect for one!  I can pray.  Pray to my loving Father who is the Great Physician and the source of Hope.  I was asked recently “what is your favorite go to scripture when things are difficult?” and I had a quick answer – Proverbs 3:5-6. 

I hope and pray that if you are suffering from depression or anxiety that you will seek help and not let it get to the point in your life that you do something drastic.

Reach out to someone that you haven’t talked to in awhile and make sure that they are doing okay.  We need to stick together and help one another and we will make it through “this crazy world that we live in”!

Have a blessed day!