Carol Adams

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what’s your "Word of the Year" for 2023?

For the past several years I have chosen a Word of the Year (WOTY) which was inspired by Ali Edwards and her “One Little Word” project.  She has a workshop/class that you can sign up for (just click on her name and it will take you to her website). This workshop/class will give you monthly inspiration to keep you motivated. She also gives ideas on how to choose your word for the year as well as a list of suggestions.

Here are my previous WOTY:

2019 - Thrive

2020 – Joy

2021 – Focus

2022 – Diligent

I have found that my “Word Of The Year” has been a lot like New Year’s Resolutions.  But, just like New Year’s resolutions…I start strong and then by the middle of the year, I forget about it and go back to my normal routine.  So, this year my word is Consistent!

Ways To Decide on Your Word Of The Year

  1. Look at the previous year and think about things that worked well for you.

  2. Think about what you wished you had done better.

  3. What are your goals for the coming year?

  4. What do you want to accomplish?

  5. Pray about your word for the year.  It may just come to you in an instant or it might take you a few days to really decide on a word or you might need to change it next month. 

  6. If you are having trouble deciding, make a list of words that pop into your head and decide on the word that you are truly committed to influence your daily life during this coming year.  

My “Word Of The Year” 2023

As I look back on 2022, I realized that I was never consistent. For over 6 months I’ve had on my “to do list” to finish a slipcover that I started for a loveseat.  I’ve still not finished the slipcover because I don’t think that I have enough fabric. So instead of even trying to finish, I just keep adding it to the next week, etc....  (There are many other things on my to do list that I keep putting off as well.) 

I knew my word for 2023 needed to be ‘consistent’. I need to challenge myself everyday to be more consistent in every aspect of my life: home, family, Bible study, prayer, and business.  One thing that I noticed over the last few months was that I was not consistent with my business or Bible Study.  I let other things get in the way like playing games on my iPad, searching Pinterest for ideas, and not really having a plan for each week. If I had a plan, I was not always consistent to complete the projects that I had lined up for the week.

According to Webster’s dictionary the definition of consistent is:

  • Marked by harmony, regularity, or steady continuity: free from variation or contradiction

  • Show steady conformity to character, profession, belief or custom

I don’t know about you, but I could use more harmony and regularity in my life! 

Here’s my plan to be consistent for 2023


  • Every Sunday, make a schedule for the week of activities, projects, and things that I need to do.

  • Make better use of my idle or free time by not playing games on my iPad all the time!

  • Finish projects that I start before going onto something else.

  • Spending more time studying God’s Word and praying for others.

  • Connecting with family and friends more (I tend to be an introvert and homebody) 


  • Sign up for at least 1 craft show a quarter

  • Create a Workshop

  • Create 2 digital downloads each month

  • Do at least 2 Facebook Lives each week and finish each project

  • Add 3-5 items to my Etsy shop and website every month

  • Send out a monthly newsletter

  • Blogging at least once a week

Not Going According To Plan

I was so excited to start 2023 off strong. I planned out the month of January with ideas for blog posts, FaceBook Live ideas and merchandise to complete to add to my Etsy/Website Shop. Unfortunately, I got sick with bronchitis between Christmas and New Year’s and it has really taken a huge chunk out of my energy and motivation. I’ve spent most of night coughing and so I try to sleep during the day. It’s hard just to catch my breathe. I’ve finally received some medication from the doctor and hopefully, I will have my energy back soon. So I’m starting a bit late in the New Year but I’m not going to let it bring me down!

I know that God’s got a plan for my life and I just need to be “consistent” and wait for His timing…not mine!