Carol Adams

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How to make a decorative beehive

Since it’s summertime, the bees are a humming all around my backyard. I can deal with honey bees but I really don’t care for yellow-jackets, wasps or bumblebees. Bumblebees are cute but have you ever been chased by one!

Little Personal Story…

When I was little, my family owned a cabin near a lake. One weekend, I had been swimming in the lake and was getting out of the water and a HUGE (this is like a fish story!!!) starting buzzing around me. Instead of just standing still, I panicked and started running. I ran and ran….the bumblebee kept following. I finally made it into the house and was I so relieved to be away from that bumblebee! The things that we remember….now if I could just remember where I put my keys about an hour ago!!!

Back to the Project!

These little beehives are so much fun and to make. They will look so cute either on a tier tray or with your seasonal decor.

Start hot gluing the rope to the bottom of your pot (I purchased 3 for $1.25 at DollarTree). I’ve supplied a link to Amazon for the jute rope but I actually purchased mine from Hobby Lobby.

Hot glue the rope all the way around the plastic pot. When the rope meets in the back, just smoosh (yes, that’s a technical word) it down and then start the next row.

Just keep hot gluing the rope all the way around the pot until you reach the top. When you get to the top, you need to add about a 6” looped piece of rope. Hot glue this loop to the bottom (which will actually be the top of the hive) to the middle of the pot.

To finish your beehive, continue gluing the jute rope around until you reach the top. I wanted the jute rope to go all the way to the top but I made my loop to short, so I had to stop. Because I did this, I had a small hole at the top but that was okay because I can cover it up with greenery, ribbons and flowers. No one will know but me…well, and everyone who watched my Facebook Live!

All the beehive needs now, is a way for the bee to get in!!! I cut about a 4-5” piece of jute rope and hot glued the piece in a circle to the front of my beehive. I then used a small brush and added black acrylic paint to the opening.

The Fun Part - Embellishing!

I made a simple junk bow. You cut about 10-12 pieces of ribbon into the same length (the length will depend on how big you want your bow). Lay down a piece of twine or ribbon and then begin to lay the ribbon strips (face down) in an X pattern on top of the twine. When you have all the ribbon in place, gather the ends of the twine and tie a knot. The is a quick and easy way to make a bow….it will also save on how much ribbon you use.

The last thing that I did was add a few flowers and added my bees and flowers that I found in my stash!

These little bees from Amazon are so cute. They come in three sizes: small, medium and large. I just love how this turned out!

Enjoy and Let’s Create Together!