How to organize all those rolls of ribbon


Have you ever started looking for a roll of ribbon that you know you purchased but cannot find it anywhere? Have you ever come home from the craft store and realize that you just purchased another roll of the same ribbon that you already have?

Well, this was me. So last weekend, I decided that I was going to finally organize my craft room so that maybe, I would be able to find what I needed and not spend thirty minutes or more of my time searching for what I needed.

I remembered that I had a long curtain rod that I wasn’t using anymore and I just knew that it would fit perfect in my closet.

I started by adding all the ribbon to the curtain rod and noticed that some of the ribbon spools had a smaller hole than others. I trimmed a few of the holes to make them bigger but decided that I would need to make a different holder for the smaller spools of ribbon. Plus I had more ribbon that the curtain rod would hold!

I attached the curtain rod with jute twine in about 6 places to the original rod that was already in the closet.


After I got my curtain rod with ribbon spools in the closet, I began working on a way to store the smaller spools. I found a block of wood and a dowel rod that was thin enough for the small spools to fit through. I had my husband drill a hole in the middle of each wood block and then inserted the dowel rod…it fit perfect and I didn’t have to use any glue. Not only is this organizer functional but it looks pretty!

I still had some ribbon, yarn and twine leftover from my scrapbooking days so I added them to a piece of cardboard and they fit perfectly in a fabric-covered box that I purchased from Michaels.

Now all my ribbons are organized and displayed so that I can easily find them. When I need a piece of ribbon, I simply pull how much I need, cut it off and use for my project. Any excess ribbon will go into a “scrap” box to be used on other projects.

If you have any questions or other great ideas to organize ribbon, please share in the comments below.

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