Carol Adams

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Journey Up the Mountain - Psalm 121:1-2

Several years ago, Bob and I took a vacation to Palisade, Colorado to celebrate our 29th Wedding Anniversary. It is a beautiful place. I'm not real sure why we pick this particular town but we had a great time.

One of the days we drove to Glenwood Springs because “I” wanted to hike up a mountain. It said it was only a 1.2 mile bad could it be?

The first part was easy going but the higher we got, the more out of breath and tired we became. We’d asked the people that were coming back down “Is the view worth it?”. They all said that the trip was definitely worth it.

We really were not prepared to take a hike anywhere. We didn’t bring any water or snacks. Plus we were a bit (a lot) out of shape to even think about taking a hike up a mountain!!

When we finally, finally, made it to the top, it was beautiful. A small pool of water with two waterfalls cascading down.

Our Spiritual Journey

As I was thinking about this scripture today, I realized that our spiritual journey is a lot like the hike that Bob and I took in Colorado.

Number One – you have to be prepared for the journal spiritually. We need to prepare ourselves by reading the Bible, fellowshipping with others and more importantly with God with prayer.

Number Two – The journey is rough and sometimes can feel unattainable. But the views along the way (if we stop, look and listen) are beautiful.

Number Three – When we arrive the site is just gorgeous…..more than we could have imagined.Don’t you know that must be how heaven will be…just breathtaking. Thank goodness when we get to heaven we won’t have to come back down!

The journey will be over and I pray that I hear God say to me

Bob and I could have easily decided to turn around and just go back down without ever seeing the view at the top. But just like life, God never said that things would be easy and carefree. Why I thought that this hike was going to be a piece of cake, I have no idea.

I did this Bible Journaling page to remind me that during our lives, we will have trials and experience difficult times. I’m really not sure why we think that we won’t because Jesus definitely suffered. He suffered and endured the painful cross just for you and for me.

Be sure and check out my Facebook Live where I demonstrated how I painted the mountains.

I’m so thankful that a trust a God who will always be there is I only “lift up my eyes to the mountains”.