Creating a Vision Board: A Tool for Focusing on Your Goals 

Have you ever thought about setting goals for yourself but didn't know how to turn it into a reality? Creating a vision board can help you focus on your goals and make them a reality. A vision board is a creative tool you can use to help you stay motivated and inspired during your journey.

To be honest, this is my first year to make a vision board. I need help to stay motivated and focused on what I want to accomplish this year.

What Is A Vision Board?


A vision board is typically a collage of words and images that are thoughtfully selected to help you concentrate on a specific goal in your life. These images can be placed on a physical board that you can view daily, on your computer as a screensaver, or in an art journal for your eyes only. It is a personal tool designed to serve as a source of inspiration and motivation to help you move towards achieving your dreams and ambitions.

According to the dictionary, a vision board is a collage of images and words representing a person's wishes or goals, intended to serve as inspiration or motivation.  I know for me, I set goals but then after a few days, I forget about them and move on to the next project. 

A vision board is also a constant reminder of what you need to focus on today and every day.  


Setting Goals

Before beginning the creative process, you need to ask yourself some important questions.  I’ve provided several vision board worksheets that can be found in the FREEBIES section. This includes a Goal Setting Worksheet which is perfect to fill out and really identify an action plan to accomplish your goals for 2024.

Before you start cutting out images from a magazine, take the time to think about what you want to accomplish this year.

Dream big and then narrow it down to about five to seven goals. 

A 2015 study by psychologist Gail Matthews showed when people wrote down their goals, they were 33 percent more successful in achieving them than those who formulated outcomes in their heads.


How to Create A Vision Board?

Creating a vision board can be a fun and rewarding experience.  It is truly a unique way to get creative and allow yourself to envision your goals, dreams and desires.  There are many different ways to create a vision board.  You can use magazines, photos, stickers and other art materials.  It can be as simple or as complex as you want.  You can make an actual board that you can hang up or a digital board which could be used as your computer/phone screensaver.


Decide what foundation you want to use for your vision board.  This can be a poster board, canvas, foam board, art journal or a digital design.  I found a large black frame that was in my Goodwill pile and decided that this would be the perfect foundation for my Vision Board.


Gather all your supplies: magazines, actual photos, stickers, markers, adhesive, scrapbook paper (if you want to decorate) and motivational quotes.  You can also use washi tape, vintage paper or hymn paper.  

If using photos/words from a magazine, just start cutting or ripping out things that speak to you. When you are all done, sort through everything and decide what you really want on your vision board.  Be specific with your pictures….if you want a new car, find the actual car that you want. 


Arrange all your pieces on whatever foundation you’ve chosen. I took a picture with my phone so that I would remember where I had placed everything.


Glue everything down. I printed most of my images of photo sticker paper. This made it so easy to attach everything to my Vision Board.


Embellish. I created watercolor hearts and circles from leftover watercolor paper to add to my Vision Board.


Display your Vision Board somewhere you will be able to see it everyday.  This will help to motivate you to work towards accomplishing your goals.

The Power of a Vision Board

Creating a vision board is a great way to stay focused on specific goals and dreams. A vision board can help you stay motivated and become more empowered. It can help you stay accountable to yourself and be more successful in achieving your goals. With the right images and words, you can create a powerful visual reminder that will help you on your journey.

Think of a vision board as a visual representation of your aspirations. It's not merely a collection of pictures or words. Each image, each word has been carefully selected because it resonates with you, because it represents something you want to achieve or the person you want to become. When you look at your vision board, you are reminded of where you want to go, it helps you visualize your goals, and most importantly, it motivates you to take action.

Moreover, the process of creating a vision board itself can be therapeutic. It allows you to reflect on what truly matters to you, what your passions are, what drives you. It encourages introspection and self-discovery. Additionally, it allows you to articulate your dreams and ambitions, making them more tangible and therefore, more achievable.

Staying Motivated with a Vision Board

Staying motivated can be a challenge, especially when the going gets tough. This is where a vision board can truly shine. It serves as a constant reminder of why you're doing what you're doing. When you're feeling low or demotivated, a quick glance at your vision board can help reignite that spark, reminding you of the dreams you're working towards.

Furthermore, a vision board can also serve as a record of your journey. You can add to it as you achieve your goals or as your dreams evolve. This way, it not only helps you stay focused on your future goals but also reminds you of how far you've come. It celebrates your achievements, no matter how small they may seem, and motivates you to keep pushing forward.

I’ll check back in in a few months and let you know how I’m coming along with my vision board and how I’ve been able to accomplish my goals.  .

Be Sure to Download the Vision Board Worksheets and PIN for later.

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