Finding Peace When You're In A Storm

When peace like a river attendeth my way
When sorrows like sea billows roll
Whatever my lot, thou hast taught me to say
”It is well, it is well with my soul
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When Peace Like A River

Over 20 years ago, my church had a ministry of going to a homeless shelter once a quarter.  The choir would sing and help lead worship.  The people staying at the shelter had to attend the service if they wanted to eat dinner – just a little incentive!!!

On this one particular night, I was supposed to sing a solo and I must admit, “the people were very restless”.  We sang a few songs, the pastor welcomed everyone and prayed but nothing seemed to quiet them down. There was differently not any “peace” in the room and the people were not being still.

When Sorrows Life Sea Billows Roll


It was my turn!  I began to share with them that the writer of “It Is Well With My Soul”, Horatio Spafford, had lost everything he owned in the Chicago Fire of 1871.  The family travelled to England to begin a new life but he had to stay behind to finish business.  A few days later, he received a telegram from his wife saying, “Saved alone”.

Devastated, he boarded a ship to join his wife.  It is said that when they arrive at the place where the two ships had collided the Captain told Mr. Spafford that this is where the crash happened.  Mr. Spafford was inspired to write the words to the beloved hymn “It Is Well With My Soul”. 

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Whatever My Lot,

Thou Hast Taught Me To Say

Immediately the room began to become quiet…”Peace be still”.  I guess this story of financial and personal loss was something the people at this homeless shelter could relate to. We’ve all been through different trials in our lives: emotional, physical, financial, isolation, social injustice, etc.  It is how we handle them that make the difference in our lives.


It Is Well With My Soul…

How are you handling your storms of life? Just remember the Lord will not let us drown but we have to be anchored in His word.  We must have faith and trust or the waves will engulf us and we will feel like we are sinking to the bottom of the ocean. Spend time in God’s word and in prayer. Get to know the Him so that when the storms come, you will be able to say, “It is well, it is well with my soul”.

You can watch my video process of this bible journaling page by clicking below. You can find the illustration download under FREEBIES or click the button below. I pray that you will join me and find “peace” in the process! 


Encouraging Words

“Don’t be afraid, I’ve redeemed you.  I’ve called your name. You’re mine.
When you’re in over your head, I’ll be there with you.  When you’re in rough waters, you will not go down. When you’re between a rock and a hard place, it won’t be a dead end—
Because I am God, your personal God, the Holy of Israel, your Savior. 

Isaiah 43:1-4 The Message