How To Start a "Give Thanks" Journal

Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good.  His love endures forever.
— Psalm 136:1

I was talking with a friend this weekend about the Covid-19 pandemic and asked her how she was coping.  One thing she mentioned to me was that she was grateful for the fact that she has been able to spend more time at home with her family. They were having more family meals together and weren’t rushing off to attend this event or that activity!  

I began to think about what am I thankful for because so many days just feel so dismal and gloomy.  As I’m writing this post, it is truly a depressing day outside – cloudy, misty rain and a bit foggy.  When I look out my window it’s hard to find something to be grateful for because everything looks….gray and brown!


I read on about the benefits of gratitude.  Here are a few things that I discovered about what happens when we “give thanks”: 

1.     Makes us happier

2.     Enhances our positive emotions

3.     Increases our self esteem

4.     Keeps suicidal thoughts and attempts at bay

5.     Improves our relationships

6.     Makes us more optimistic

7.     Helps us find meaning in our work

8.     Reduces blood pressure

9.     Improves sleep

10. Helps our overall health


Give Thanks Journal

November is usually the month that people write “30 days of thanks”. My goal for this year is to keep a “Giving Thanks” Journal because I want to focus on the positive things that happen in my life and truly find something everyday to be grateful for….even if it’s just that I got up this morning!!! 

To start a “Giving Thanks” journal, your can use anything:  Traveler’s Notebook, Composition Notebook, Spiral Notebook or even a $1.00 store journal.  Check out my tutorial on How To Make a Traveler’s Notebookand create your own journal.

20 Journaling Prompts

Write something that you are grateful for everyday.  Include pictures of family, fall foliage, food that you enjoy during this season of thanksgiving.  Add stickers, artwork your child made or quotes…the possibilities are endless.  I’m including a list of “20 writing prompts” to give you motivation, inspiration and help you get started.  Plus…two Fall Sticker Sheets that will be perfect to use in your journal which can be found in the FREEBIES tab.

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What are a few things that you are thankful for this year?  Write them down so that when you are having a bad day or things just aren’t going the way that you had planned, take out your journal and remember the things that you have “Giving Thanks”!