Sweetness to the Soul: Connecting Proverbs 16:24 to Beekeeping

Pleasant words are a honeycomb: sweet to the taste and health to the body.
— Proverbs 16:24

This beautiful proverb from the Bible reminds us of the power and impact of kind words. Just as honey is sweet and nourishing, so too are words that are pleasant and kind.

My husband and I are friends with a young couple who recently purchased land in the small town of LaRue, Texas. The husband decided to take up beekeeping, and I've been amazed at all the hard work involved. In the beginning, he had to visit the land, about two hours away, every weekend to check the hives and ensure the bees had plenty of sugar water. Without this, the bees could die.

As I began to learn more about beekeeping, I was struck by the similarities to our Christian faith. According to Stephen Repasky, president of the Pennsylvania State Beekeepers Association, beginners need essential beekeeping equipment, including a protective beekeeper suit and hat. For us as Christians, our essential equipment is the Bible. It's our guide, providing us with the knowledge of God's desires and commands. The protective suit and hat in beekeeping remind me of the Armor of God, our protection against the challenges and temptations of the world. 

Repasky also recommends starting with two hives. This brings to mind Mark 6:7, "And he called the twelve and began to send them out two by two, and gave them authority over the unclean spirits." Fellowship and support from one another are crucial in both beekeeping and our faith journey.

One honeybee colony can have up to 30,000-50,000 bees. Within that community lives the queen. (I think of God as the queen bee…well, not the queen but the King!) The queen bee instructs the worker bees on what to do and they protect their queen. God is always there with instructions for us “workers of the faith”.


Beekeeping, like any hobby, requires dedication. You get out of it what you put in, much like our faith. How can we understand God's promises without reading the Word, praying, and listening for His guidance?

Repasky suggests placing hives facing south, east, or southwest so the bees can soak in the morning sun. This gets the bees up and moving. Life may seem really bleak in the darkness but as Psalm 30:5 says, "Weeping may endure for a night, but joy cometh in the morning."

Repasky acknowledges a high failure rate in beekeeping, especially in the first few years. This process requires practice and dedication, but we must not get discouraged. Similarly, words have the power to heal or harm, to uplift or tear down. Proverbs 16:24 reminds us of the profound impact our words can have on ourselves and others.


The Wonders of the Honeycomb

A honeycomb is a marvel. It’s where bees store their honey after gathering nectar from flowers. The early Greeks considered honey the nectar of the gods due to its healing properties. Honey is an excellent antiseptic for skin wounds, rich in antioxidants, and even helpful for allergies.

Chewing local honeycomb before allergy season can significantly reduce symptoms, according to modern allergists.

The Power of Words

Like the honeycomb, pleasant words are sweet and healing. There’s an old saying: “If you can’t say anything nice about someone, then don’t say anything at all.” Today, it takes very little courage to click send on a mean comment online. Anonymity often emboldens people to be cruel without repercussions. Conversely, kind and gracious words are more refreshing than ever. Negative words can make us feel sick, while positive words can bring joy and energy. Words can shape our self-perception and linger in our minds and hearts.

Do you remember hurtful words that have been said to you in the past? I know that I do and they still hurt to this day.

Choose to Speak Life

We have the power to speak life or death into those around us. We can make a person feel incredibly small or incredibly loved. We need to be more careful with our words—with our friends, with strangers, and especially with our families, who often bear the brunt of our frustrations.

Stand out from the crowd. Have the courage to be kind. Speak life into those we encounter. Here’s a few “BEE-attitudes”:

  • Be Kind

  • Be Generous

  • Be Gracious

  • Be Loving

  • Be Quiet

  • Be Patient

  • Be Aware

By choosing to speak life and kindness, we follow the wisdom of Proverbs 16:24 and bring sweetness and health to those around us, much like the honeycomb that nourishes and heals.

Bible Journaling - Proverbs 16:24

I knew I wanted this page to be different from using a beehive stencil and adding a few bees. I wanted to remember when I looked at my Bible Journaling page of the “BEE-attitudes”!

Also, when I looked at this page I wanted to remember my friends “KWorth Farms” and their beekeeping farm efforts. I created a special tag just for this project. You could create one that is meaningful to you in canva. Canva is an awesome website that you can create all kinds of graphics and so much more.

I created a PDF file of ephemera to use on this page. I also used the inside of an old business envelope as well as a beehive stencil that I created on my Cricut Machine.

If you are interested in this FREE Printable, simply click here and enjoy!

Also, always remember to think before you speak!!!

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